GK, VE, Performing arts craft, yoga, physical education, music, instruments, and taekwondo are part of the curriculum.
“Dance is the hidden language of the soul”
Dance is a Performing Art form consisting of purposefully selected sequence of human movement. This movement has aesthetic and symbolic value.
Dancing improves brain function on a variety of levels. Two recent studies show how different types of practice allows dancers to achieve peak performance by blending cerebral and cognitive thought processes, with muscle memory and ‘proprioception’ held in the cerebellum.
Yoga, a science not I. than 5000 years old has addressed a normal man to move towards higher stats of harmony and peace both as an individual and also as a social being. Yoga is becoming popular in all parts of the world.
For the restless mind it gives solace. For the social, it is a boon. For the common man, it is the fashion of the day to keep himself fit and Handsome.